Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) is a 5-year planning tool to guide infrastructure goals, projects, and funding strategies.
Public Input in Priority Setting is important to McKinley County.
What would you rank this project as?
The Manuelito Canyon Road & Bridges Improvement Project is critical to the County's roadway system, connectivity, and emergency access. In 2013, the Navajo Nation Commission on Emergency Management closed South Manuelito Bridge No. 8080 and the McKinley County Roads Department constructed an emergency bypass route through the wash for the second bridge facing erosion and structural issues. Approximately 45 families utilize the bridge, with an average of 4.5 people per home. The high traffic volume includes daily use by school buses, service providers and emergency responders. Manuelito Canyon Road is functionally classified by the State Department of Transportation as a minor collector and it connects State Highway 118 and 602 and provides secondary access to Chichiltah Chapter and areas South.
Community: Manuelito Chapter
Commission District: 2
Congressional District(s): 3
DOT District: 6
House District: 9
Senate District: 4
NM Counties: McKinley County
RTPOs: Northwest RTPO